
About Us

NPAC was birthed by a handful of caring, compassionate people from Northern Penobscot County who saw a need and decided to do something.

As we began to organize and develop a vision and mission statement, Poland Spring was looking to support something in the Northern Penobscot area that will make a positive difference in the years to come. Poland Spring's decision to support NPAC by committing $50,000 of seed money per year for three  years sealed the deal. The NPAC board of directors knew that teaming up with an experienced professional grant writer and a time-tested fundraiser would be the right path forward to accomplishing NPAC's vision and mission.

Who are we?

NPAC is a non-profit organization that began as a group of friends, neighbors and business partners believing that “Play Matters”!  We believe recreation and meaningful leisure activities are important to a community and that they provide identity for citizens and are a major factor in the perception of quality of life.

The Need:

The majority of the Northern Penobscot Region is rural and the towns have a population of 5,000 or less. These rural communities and municipalities face growing struggles with respect to encouraging and providing recreation and leisure services and supports due to challenges of providing transportation, qualified staff and funding.

What We Do:

Connect         Collaborate         Create

  • NPAC works to facilitate communication and the sharing of resources between individuals and organizations to enhance and expand present programs supporting youth, seniors and families and provide services where none exist.


  • NPAC provides positive assistance and financial support through our “Play Matters” grants to help existing community programs and activities that support artistic and cultural enrichment and learning through recreation and leisure engagement for youth, seniors and families.